Resolved to Deliver Restorative Justice for J6 Defendants

Join the Premier Strategic Alliance for Victim Recovery and Government Accountability

On January 6, 2021, an assembly of American citizens joined together in solidarity to support and defend the Constitution of the United States by the exercise of their First Amendment-protected right to protest the government for a redress of grievances. A select portion of this group was exploited by a corrupt and weaponized government operation which entrapped, targeted, defamed, violently arrested, maliciously and falsely charged, fraudulently convicted, and unjustly punished and imprisoned them.

This unprecedented mass prosecutorial campaign was predicated on unlawful and unethical entrapment, and it was executed in brazen violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 4th and 14th Amendments, along with violations of the impartial Due Process guarantee of the 6th Amendment, the 4th Amendment guarantee “to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures”—and certainly violent FBI raids—the 8th Amendment prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, and the Brady requirement to share all exculpatory evidence, among other illegal and immoral acts.

The J6 “insurrection witch hunt” was further accelerated by the wildly corrupt and malicious “January 6 Select Committee” public show trial operation in an egregious weaponized abuse of Congressional power, which included documented criminal acts.

The fallout of the J6 entrapment event and subsequent Merrick Garland/Matthew Graves mass prosecution blitzkrieg was tantamount to a kinetic war waged upon American citizens by their own government, and the carnage is truly that catastrophic. Four unarmed protesters were killed on January 6 by police misconduct, with more people subsequently losing their lives to trauma and terror resulting from violent FBI SWAT raids and from unethical, malicious coercion and persecution by the DOJ, the media, and the public. Thousands of defendants and their family members have survived death only to be pulverized in a living torment of defamation and doxxing, cancellation and social isolation, hateful and even violent stalking, financial ruin and professional devastation, government agency targeting and abuse, severe depression and acute psychological distress, loss of employment, housing, banking and digital utilities, social media access and viability, inheritances, mortgages, professional licenses, scholarships, political office and public service eligibility, and the disruption and even destruction of marriages, family ties, and all manner of relationships and community standing.

For four years, being a J6er has been a living death sentence.

J6 defendants and their families have suffered more pain and loss than most could possibly imagine, at a scale not seen in our nation in modern times—all due to the unbridled lust for political power. This precedent for weaponized government and the chilling of political dissent is a terminal threat to the future of a free republic, regardless of political party or opinion, so this effort is truly nonpartisan, and it is essential for the unity and national healing our nation needs following such a destructive incident. The innocent J6 victims of this historic government crime must be exonerated and made whole to the full extent possible by virtue of a Pardon of Innocence, a formal national apology, and financial restitution commensurate with the harms inflicted.

We Are J6 is a strategic alliance marshaled by real J6 defendants in coordination with premier J6 and civil liberties attorneys, and we are dedicated to achieving legitimate justice for all J6ers and their families, as we work to expose corruption and wrongdoing, restore victims and promote healing, and establish a foundation of justice and accountability upon which our nation might build a sustainable future.

The We Are J6 Defendant registration is open to J6 defendants, or their direct legal/family representatives if they are currently incapacitated, and we will verify the identity of each applicant to ensure the security of all parties. The power of our movement is greatly increased by the multiplication and amplification of your authentic testimonies—only you can truly inform the world about the reality of the persecution you have suffered at the hands of a corrupt and weaponized government. We are inviting each of you to join our alliance and share these important stories.

However, in the interest of national healing and unity, the We Are J6 Strategic Alliance is open via Advocate registration to all those who support universal liberty and justice, regardless of class or circumstance, and we encourage everyone to register as an Advocate to help this alliance succeed in our mission: to deliver Restorative Justice and to support and defend the U.S. Constitution, a vanguard of freedom for all mankind.

Stand for Justice

Help Us Build a Future Founded on Truth and Accountability